
Published in on 29/Jul/2016

NSW Bioinformatics symposium

Last week, Kaitao and Alexie went to the NSW Bioinformatics Research Symposium (#sbrs16) co-organised by our nascent society ABACBS (pronounced like an abacus), Joshua Ho, Aaron Darling and others. Held at the impressive Charles Perkins institute of USyd, we had an awesome turnout of more than 150 people with excellent diversity in terms of gender and age. Topics for presentations and posters were broad, applied and pure bioinformatics, genomics, [Learn more]
Published in on 22/May/2016

Stress response in oysters

Nicole Ertl has had her PhD thesis manuscript on the Sydney Rock oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) accepted in PLoS One! Focusing on the immunity system, this was the first transcriptome for this species and tremendous manual annotation effort from Nicole. We now have a large number of candidate genes to understand how this marine organism is coping with such a range of pollutants. Update: check out our Pogona article: this has been a great week in n [Learn more]
Published in on 04/Jan/2016

New paper: Life cycle of genome projects 

Alexie has published a new (publicly) peer-reviewed perspective article on how genome projects are born, live and... evolve! This, is argued, is driven by a new paradigm of collaboration and technologies, including bioinformatics. Why is it important? Sequencing the genome of a new species is a still a significant undertaking that vastly enable future discoveries. As society is investing in new resources to understand the greater tree of life, we [Learn more]